In Exodus 31:15 it says: 'whoever does any work on the sabbath day shall be put to death'. This is one of many passages in the Old Testament laying down the death penalty, but while reading it the other day the thought struck me almost as if it were new. So many people say they believe every bit of the Bible is the infallible word of God, 'the Maker's instructions' and so on. But who takes passages like this seriously?
Of course, Christians don't observe the Sabbath anyway, which is strange when you consider it is in the Ten Commandments, which most Christians talk of as the 'core' set of God's laws. We observe the first day of the week as 'the Lord's Day', but many Christians call it the Sabbath and have all sorts of rules about it. But have you heard of anyone recently, whether Jewish or Christian, advocating the death penalty for breaking the Sabbath?
They accuse us 'liberals' of picking and choosing rather than accepting the whole Bible as the Word of God. But doesn't everybody?