Imagine this
conversation. Two chapel-goers meet on the street..
“How are you
getting on with your minister these days?”
“Very well
indeed. He’s lovely – such a kind man, a great listener, and a great preacher
too. He’s wonderful considering the problems he has at home.”
“Oh, what
problems would they be?”
“Well, his
wife is no credit to him.”
“She doesn’t
help him much in his ministry then?”
“I’ll say
she doesn’t! It’s worse than that.”
“Oh, is she
not a Christian?”
“Far from
it! She’s an absolute disgrace. To put it bluntly, she’s nothing but a common
tart. She goes out at night and he’s got no idea where she is. She’s left him a
few times and gone off with another man. There are three children in the manse,
but nobody’s sure whether they’re his or not. Needless to say, they’re no
credit to him either. They’re completely out of control.”
“Hasn’t he
ever thought of a divorce?”
“Well, he
has threatened it, but every time she comes back crying on his shoulder he
forgives her and they patch it up somehow. I think he’d be far better off
without her. But there you are, love is blind I suppose.”
“It must be
very embarrassing for him in his ministry. How does he cope? I suppose he keeps
quiet about it.”
“Oh no,
quite the reverse – he often preaches about it. He says his marriage has taught
him a lot about God.”
about it! Well, I’ve heard it all now. I
can’t imagine my church putting up with that. We’d have been looking for
another minister long ago.”
“But we
wouldn’t want any other minister. We love our Mr Hosea.”