The Bible is
often hard to understand. Maybe it is meant to be so – not to hide things from
us or intimidate us into servile reverence, but rather to make us think.
Take for
instance the story of the Magi. What does it really mean? What is the point we
are meant to take from it? Who were these “wise men”?
The name magi already makes us think. Two other
people in the New Testament share that label. One was Simon (Acts 8:9-24) who
practise mageia and was converted to
Christ, but temporarily fell back into his old ways and was sternly rebuked by Peter.
The other was Elymas (Acts 13:6-12), a magos
who opposed Paul when he was preaching to the governor of Cyprus and was struck
The English
word “magic” is derived from the same root: they were magicians, “wizards”
rather than “wise men”. John Henson has a version of “We three kings” that is
more realistic. It begins:
“We are freaks who follow the
Pleiades, Neptune, Venus and
men and women, dressed in linen,
peddling our lucky charms”
They were
also astrologers. The idea of their following a moving star is a bit of
traditional embellishment. The story simply says that they saw a new star
which, to them, meant that a king had been born among the Jews. They came to look
for him in the obvious place, Jerusalem, and were redirected to Bethlehem.
Then, to their great joy, they saw the same star again.
The Bible never
has a good word to say about magicians or astrologers. In the Book of Isaiah the
people are mocked for trusting in them:
“But evil will come upon you,
which you cannot charm away… Stand fast
in your enchantments and your many sorceries … perhaps you may be able to
succeed … let those who study the heavens stand up and save you, those who gaze
at the stars and at each new moon predict what shall befall you.” (Isa 47:11-13).
Today we
have our “stars” in the newspapers, but few take their predictions seriously,
and orthodox Christians generally disapprove.
question number one: what does this story imply about astrology?
It is also
clear that they were not of the Jewish faith, nor did they share the Jewish expectation
of the Messiah. They were probably Zoroastrians. Unanswered question number two:
after this experience, did they “see the folly of their ways” and become believers
in the God of the Bible?
three: did they, years later, hear the story of Jesus and become Christians?
And number
four: if they did not, and if (as traditional evangelical doctrine asserts) only
born again believers in Christ go to heaven, where are they now?
apparently simple story leaves a lot of questions unanswered! But in this
respect it is closer to our present-day experience of faith than we often
realise. In today’s multi-cultural society the old “certainties” don’t hold any
more. Life isn’t as simple as we used to think.
The story of
the Magi is meant to tell us that Jesus came for the whole world. But how does
this work out in practice? Can people be led to Christ through other faiths or by
means we think are heretical or superstitious? And if so does this mean they
are meant to become Christians? And if not, can we say that it really doesn’t
matter what you believe? Yet more unanswered questions!
This is the nature, and the power, of the Bible. It doesn’t
give us answers: it gives us stories and leaves us to work out their meaning in
the confusion and ambiguity of real life.