When I started my studies in preparation to be a minister,
it suddenly hit me how little I knew of the Bible. In the process of study I
learned quite a lot. Most people, even enthusiastic church-going Christians, do
not get beyond that stage of ignorance. They are especially ignorant of the
books of the prophets. What average church-goer could tell you anything about
the content of Ezekiel, Micah or Zephaniah? The one that stands out as an
exception is the Book of Jonah. Everybody knows something about him: he was
swallowed by a whale.
This points to what is probably the main reason why most of
us know so little about the prophets. Stories stick in our minds. We know
something about Elijah and Elisha because there are stories of them performing
miracles. We know parts of the Book of Daniel because we heard the stories when
we were children: Daniel in the den of lions, the three men miraculously
preserved in the fiery furnace, Belshaazar’s feast and the writing on the wall.
Virtually all we remember about Isaiah is the story of his vision in the
temple, when he heard the voice of God saying, “Whom shall we send, and who
will go for us?” and responded with “Here am I: send me”. The prophetic books tend
to be unknown and un-memorable because they don’t have stories.
Another reason is that when we try to read them we are put
off by what seems a solemn, ranting and very negative tone. They seem to be
talking about judgment all the time and saying mysterious, incomprehensible
things about nations and tribes we have never heard of. It all sounds rather
like the ravings of an esoteric and rather nutty religious cult, or a street
preacher shouting religious clichés that passers-by ignore.
However, this feeling has a lot to do with the way most of
us were taught to think about the Bible. We have been conditioned to think that
because the Bible is “the Word of God” the prophets have a very serious message
from God for us that we must struggle
to understand. When the prophetic books are read in church it is usually in a monotone that makes
them sound more obscure and tedious than they are. Those of us who are not
fundamentalists have come to feel that the struggle is not worth it: the
prophets were people with a negative, kill-joy message which is typically “Old
Testament” and nothing to do with what we understand as Christianity.
It is sad that we have come to this conclusion. The prophets
in fact were sensitive people who, if they had a message of doom, were no
different from many people today who warn us about climate change, remind us of
the injustice of the world, or predict the collapse of our society. They were not
people who loved to condemn: they were responding to the issues of their time
and trying to wake people up to what was happening. Their books don’t generally
tell stories, but with a bit of imagination we can detect the story behind what
they are saying, and then their words can come alive to us. The prophets were
poets, and some of their poetry is sublime: it can stir and inspire us even if
we cannot always understand it. There is no need for us to think we ought to
accept it solemnly as a word from God, or feel guilty about not accepting it. Our
watchword in reading the prophets should be, “Never mind the authority – feel
the passion!”
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